The Torre della Pallata is the only one of a group of four built
in the Middle Ages and still existing. It is situated on the corner between Via Pace and Corso Mameli. It was built around
the XIIIth century. Its name probably derives from a fence erected as a defence. The history of this tower is marked by pleasant
events. For example it was the departure place of the women's race, typical of that period. Then, in 1497, a
fountain was built in front of the tower, from which wine came out . But the history of this tower is also marked by tragic
events like the murder of Valguglio or the pillage of the treasure of the Monte di Pietà which was kept in the Pallata.
The tower is 31,10 metres
high. Its structure is square and in its grand walling there are thin loop-holes, which allowed soldiers to hit the enemies
during the war without exposing themselves to any danger.
This tower wasn't as it is today. The clock was substituted with a modern one.
The upper part of the tower which includes brick merlons, was added. Besides, on the top of the
Pallata there is a turret
which has an opening showing some bells and, above it, a dome on which a cross and a small flag was put.
Online Sources
Group Leader:
Giovanni R.
Working Group:
Jessica S.
Andrea C.
2nd form A
School year 2004/2005
I.I.S. Carlo Urbani - Rome/Italy
Coordinator: Prof. Noemi Lusi
Website created by Prof. Noemi Lusi
Some online sources
To be used only for didactic purposes
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